

So, you’ve decided to be a writer and you want to write for God. What an awesome choice for your future. You're ready to get out there and use that magnificent creative mind God blessed you with.

I’ve written this course to help you begin this exciting journey and discover what your writing assignments for God may look like.

We’re created in His image, with unique qualities to do what He calls us to do. So, if God has asked you to be one of His writers, He’s already equipping you to carry out that honourable mission.

The lectures are not very long so you’ll soon have a clearer picture of your writing path. This will be the base of your writing as you begin to write for Him. Remember to pray before each lecture and ask Him what He has to say to you as you study.

At the end of the course I’ll give you links to help you actually get started on your first book!

I’m so excited for you as you discover what our faithful Father has in store for you, His blessed child.

I hope you enjoy the course.


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